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The Dating App for Restaurants


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An experience curator that will change your entire method of entertainment choices, opinions and recommendations. From quick meals to special occasions to catered events, it helps you to better understand what pleases you most.

No reviews here. Just a powerful search engine and database matching users with restaurants to create more positive experiences.


Burnt out on questionable review sites?

Trusting reviews to make personal choices can be risky.

Review sites were not created by restaurant or other retail business owners, and that includes Yelp*. Most were developed as specialized search engines to generate advertising revenue from the businesses they list and rate.


These review sites don’t always benefit both the business and their customers. Research now indicates people are just looking at the number of stars/number of reviews for a business and not what’s become a deluge of misleading reviews from unknown sources, or an applied rating by the review site. Everyone has their own individual desires and reviews can influence us in ways that diminish the creation of our own positive experiences.


Reviews can have a negative impact or pre-program people to be on the lookout and ready to be disappointed. Reviews can also be published without being vetted or fact-checked, so they are inherently unreliable and capable of manipulation and unscrupulous use.

Curated Experience

A Curated Experience

Consider Disneyland for a moment. When you walk in the front gates everything seems to be perfect. Why? It is very deliberate –attaching you to the experience that more than satisfies all your senses. It’s very real and there are hundreds of restaurants that will do the same for you, and you may not have tried any of them because of someone else’s opinion.


Let users define what pleases them most and the results are more satisfied customers and growing businesses. And isn’t that what we all desire?

for business

For Restaurants

IMPORTANT NOTE: Any restaurant anywhere in the U.S. can claim and list their restaurant FREE
on The Jolly App. Once we've verified your location, your restaurant becomes an active listing.

Connect with More Customers

The Jolly App is a search engine for restaurants specifically and the business controls its listing content. It brings in more customers and helps to keep them coming back. Creating new and return customers becomes much easier when businesses are matched with users seeking everything the business offers.

  • It’s NOT a review site! No distracting or misleading reviews, just a powerful search tool creating connections with new customers. There are no distracting competitor Ads or filtering either!

  • It feeds back information to restaurant management on what customers are searching for, providing detailed analytics and trends on user searches for food, atmosphere, vibe and much more. Businesses get a microscopic look into what brings in customers and what may be keeping them away.

  • It matches customers using their underlying habits and desires, food cravings, budget and much more to create the best experience possible, for both them AND the restaurant. 

  • It places more power for positive dining experiences in the hands of customers, not solely on the business or being pre-programmed based on someone else’s review.

  • No arm-twisting marketing or paid reviewers here!


Business Analytics and Tools

We present high quality real-time data for restaurant management. All the customer inquiries that other search engines won't show you.  Here's a small sampling of analytics that restaurants can utilize to grow business:

  • How many times your restaurant was matched with customer experience searches. What specific items made up each of those experiences.

  • What specific genres are being searched.

  • Specific menu items requested.

  • Most popular experiences and the attributes.

  • What features and/or amenities were being searched – details in order of importance.

  • Where are searches coming from geographically and price ranges.

  • How often did users select your restaurant(s).

  • How often did dietary restrictions show up in searches. Which ones and how many and the order of importance.

  • What proximities were included in searches and experiences.

  • How many searches were made for each mealtime: breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc.

  • Number of searches of large party accommodations, catering and price ranges.

  • Service type breakdown: drive-thru, counter, sit-down, catering, food truck, etc.

  • Thinking about a new location? Look at detailed analytics on what people in other areas are searching for - features, atmosphere, genre, proximities, etc.

  • And much more…


Weekly Trends:

  • Valuable information based on price search fluctuations, geographic growth areas broken down by experiences, cuisines, menu items, amenities, sensory features and more. Can be used to determine new locations, targeted marketing and more.

  • Current trends in the business derived from all U.S. based restaurants.

  • What is The Jolly App?
    First and Foremost: It is FREE to claim and list a restaurant on The Jolly App! The Jolly App curates positive experiences and great vibes for restaurant guests by using their sensory attributes, cuisine, mealtimes, menu items, locale, price and much more. It then feeds back details about what customers are searching for so that restaurant management can better "tune" the experience that's being offered. Restaurant management can see what's working and what might be keeping customers away. With sometimes minor adjustments, restaurants get greater exposure to more customers by being matched with more sought after experiences.   It customer mobile app includes over 20 different sample user experiences that can be edited to match for social gatherings, business or personal entertainment desires. Users can also create their own. It does not rate or review any business. It simply matches users with businesses that are most likely to result in better experiences for both the business and customer.
  • Why should a restaurant care about The Jolly App?
    Think about this: We’ve all heard that happiness is based on our positive perceptions, environment, and experiences. Disneyland is called the happiest place on earth for a reason. It’s all very deliberate on Disney’s part – the sounds, sights, flavors, smells, laughter, energy, feelings, organization, staff and much more. They’ve mastered positive guest experiences by understanding the human senses, behaviors, and responses to simulation. Wouldn’t you like to have more of that type of success? Here are some of things that happen when you deliberately focus on creating positive experiences utilizing what we’ve built into The Jolly App - a massive amount of user search data - simplified, categorized and prioritized - that will help you better understand what people are looking for in selectable date ranges and locations. Matched with more customers. You gain customers you didn’t have before. And, your business has a much better chance of keeping those customers, and that added revenue long-term because you offer a more positive experience. You will also be surprised to know that in many cases, small adjustments can make big differences. Knowing what people are looking for – or avoiding – gives you the power to connect with more customers. Let’s face it, people are creatures of habit. They will go to their favorite restaurant(s) over and over because they’re connected in many ways, and not with just the food. They may also be afraid to try anything else because they want to avoid bad experiences. Don’t we all? Time after time, we’ve listened to restaurant owners that have stared at a busy restaurant across the street, wishing they could do “that kind of business”. The answer is knowing what people are attracted and attached to – what pleases them overall. The Jolly App’s matching of users to restaurants gives restaurant management time to focus on the things they have more control of, such as quality of food and service. Putting more responsibility for curating better experiences in the hands of customers is a huge boost in the direction of a successful relationship between business and guests. No reviews or ratings within The Jolly App. Throughout history, people have been influenced by other people’s opinions. By using the human senses as the matching algorithm, the app lists restaurants that deliver the very things that people find to be a comfortable and pleasing atmosphere. Customers will now select your business because you tailor it to what people are looking for rather than trying to respond to reviews – to make unhappy people happy. How about matching with people that are far more likely to have a positive experience in the first place? Bad news may travel fast, but the focus should be on good experiences, those that linger long after the visit, and create return business. Additionally, advertising on review sites may seem like a good idea, but people are still being influenced by those overwhelming and potentially unscrupulous reviews. Advertising on these sites can be hit or miss. Matching within The Jolly App is highly focused connections with people that are more likely to visit your restaurant and connect with your brand. No wasted advertising money and unpredictable results. Bottom line: The Jolly App encourages a positive relationship between the customer and the business, in place of the adversarial one created by review sites. Analytics change the focus from reaction mode to meaningful data and measurable results. The Jolly App analytics help management determine exactly what people are looking for and/or why they may not be coming to the restaurant - in order of importance. Small changes in sensory attributes can often move a restaurant up in the listing categories. The Jolly App's powerful analytics present facts based on what’s currently attracting customers, and what features may be a waste of time or money. Our primary goal on the restaurant business side is to help them fine tune the overall customer experience to increase revenue, brand attachment, return business and to have fun running a more successful restaurant. Suggesting amenities that create tangible results. Taking the lead in restaurant/customer engagement, and because of our own restaurant business ownership, we know that little things can make big differences when customers reflect on an experience they had at a business. We’ve built-in an amenity “watch-dog” that monitors user searches, suggestions, and other information to inform restaurant management of often subtle things that create customer loyalty and positive feedback. Things such as reading glasses, phone chargers and much more resonate with customers long after they leave but pop-up as positive thoughts again when they are out and about looking for another good experience. The Jolly App reminds them about these subtleties and provides listings that meet these often-overlooked little magnets for new business.
  • Why should I care about having full access to the detailed analytics generated from all customer searches within The Jolly App?
    Claiming and listing your restaurant, and access to the detailed analytics is FREE. Really, it's FREE. There are no hidden charges. So let’s be honest, determining why a restaurant may be underperforming and not reaching its full potential can be a very difficult, long and painful process. Even if a restaurant is doing great now, we all know that customer preferences change, sometimes very quickly. What might be a great honeymoon with customers now can quickly turn to divorce or be a slow downward spin without reliable information on why. The restaurant business is a constant process of adjustments, sometimes very small. The Jolly App analytics provides management with real and reliable data to help increase exposure and improve the overall restaurant experience, customer connections and satisfaction. It will help you better understand customer trends by offering valuable insights and will keep customers coming back for more great experiences because of changes that were suggested in The Jolly App. Ask yourself: Why would you completely remodel, replace all your staff or make other major changes when just a few things such as your music being too loud or the fact that you forced people to use QR code menus might have pushed customers away? There are many other small reasons that your customers know that you may not.
  • How can I be sure that The Jolly App data analytics in my dashboard on what customers are looking for is real, valid, and useful to me for fine tuning my restaurant experience?
    The Jolly App records hard numbers about what unique users search for within any context of the human dining experience—a romantic night out with a partner, a family gathering, a friend’s night out, etc. This data made up of all users’ individual choices manifests as a customizable template, or what we call the sample experience. The sample experiences in the mobile app are our quantified mean/average of the human qualities that people look for in each dining scenario. Users can adjust the templates however they want, and it only refines the sample experiences even more for new users to get started with.
  • How many positive experiences does it take to make up for a bad one?
    Twelve, according to Ruby Newell-Legner's "Understanding Customers", the de facto benchmark research that helped business owners better understand the importance of good customer service. So, if it takes that many, why not put more power in the hands of the customer to create more positive results every time. The Jolly App does just that by suggesting restaurants that would best suit their underlying sensory needs to produce more positive satisfaction. Our app can reduce the possibility of bad experiences by matching more elements of your business. It suggests what works and what doesn’t.
  • Can a restaurant be taken down from The Jolly App for falsifying or abusing the experience matching system?
    Yes! The Jolly App is based on trust and verification. It has an intelligent checks and balances system in place that monitors private input from its mobile app users for abuse of the system. If our monitoring system gets consistent private complaints from mobile app users about inaccuracies with a specific restaurant, a warning and removal system is in place to ensure reliability and integrity of the system for its users and businesses. The business is notified through a private messaging system and given an opportunity to correct mistakes. Mobile app users need to be able to trust and rely on the system to create the best experiences possible. Every business needs to know that competitors are playing fair, and abuse will not be tolerated.
  • How do restaurants get included in The Jolly App and connected to new customers?
    It is FREE to claim and list a restaurant on The Jolly App. The process involves searching the name and completing a simple and secure verification process. Once claimed, restaurant management merely needs to verify the information we have on record, complete their restaurant's profile, and upload a PDF copy of a menu. We’ll convert the PDF to actual searchable menu items automatically. And, we do NOT sell any data or information to other third parties!
  • So, what are the most important things customers seek when they go out to eat?
    Let’s face it, no app, review site or Point of Sale system can help all restaurants be successful. The restaurant business is tough and requires that owners and managers be good in several areas. The three main areas are food, service and experience. We want to suggest that you take a look at the book: How to Thrive in the Restaurant Business on Amazon Books. There are others there as well, including: Setting the Table by Danny Meyer. These books are comprehensive and filled with facts and suggestions on how to create better businesses practices and more positive customer experiences. Restaurant owners need to create a variety of delicious food consistently and keep staff focused on providing friendly and efficient service. Guests want to feel respected, not like a number rushed out the door to maximize profits. The opportunity to deliver an outstanding human experience starts when customers walk in the door and begins to interact with your hosts and servers. And the more you create positive experiences, the more customers are attached to your brand, which equals return business. Let’s assume you have great food and service. Now the hard truth: If you don’t, you need to revisit why you’re in the restaurant business. Are you discouraged by bad reviews? Review sites have put tension between customers and restaurant staff. However, if you knew that more customers coming through the door had been matched with your restaurant beforehand, the curated experience, it would give you more time to focus on the best food and service, and the original reasons you got into the business – positive connections, a successful restaurant and having more fun at it.
  • Does The Jolly App convert my menu PDF file to keywords so customers find us when searching for specific menu items we offer?
    YES! During your restaurant onboarding process, you can upload your PDF formatted menu and we will convert it to digital form, reading the menu items and creating keywords for each item. If your menu has Spaghetti Carbonara on it and a customer searches for that menu item, your restaurant is a better match. This function, along with all the other matching features and benefits to businesses make The Jolly App a better, more complete and cost effective restaurant search engine and analytics solution than any other single platform.

The Mobile App

In good, as well as challenging times, people want the best experiences possible for their money. That includes great food, service, amenities and a feeling of happiness associated with the time they spent at a restaurant. Every element makes a difference. With The Jolly App, the power to tailor positive experiences is now being put in your hands. It's time to...

The Dating App for Restaurants


The Jolly App is a powerful search, match and results driven engine that was designed to be simple, fun, and interactive. You begin to see that it’s not just about one thing when creating a positive experience. It was designed to take the guess work out of finding the best choices for any meal and entertainment. It’s the answer to that age old question: Where do you want to go? The answer: The best experience possible!

Mobile App users create their own, or edit any of over 20 sample experiences, such as Romantic, Business, Family, Friends, etc. When users search for a desired experience name, the app lists restaurants that match what people are seeking. It may reinforce current choices, suggest similar or better matches, or open new doors entirely because of what pleases your underlying senses. Live a little and explore your desirable matches!


In the mobile app, everything is done through a single search bar for users. All search phases and experiences are stored to provide the best search results possible for users and detailed suggestions for businesses. And again, there are no ads or reviews to distract users on the detailed restaurant listings. Use it in your own geographic area or to search for the best results when traveling. It is both an experience curator and a simple yet powerful search engine.

Users can download The Jolly App from their mobile device App Store. Create a simple profile and start searching! We provide an extensive list of sample experiences to edit and search. Add whatever additional key words to your search and the app will find and list matches in a Good, Better, Best format.

  • What is The Jolly App?
    First and Foremost: It is FREE to claim and list a restaurant on The Jolly App! The Jolly App curates positive experiences and great vibes for restaurant guests by using their sensory attributes, cuisine, mealtimes, menu items, locale, price and much more. It then feeds back details about what customers are searching for so that restaurant management can better "tune" the experience that's being offered. Restaurant management can see what's working and what might be keeping customers away. With sometimes minor adjustments, restaurants get greater exposure to more customers by being matched with more sought after experiences.   It customer mobile app includes over 20 different sample user experiences that can be edited to match for social gatherings, business or personal entertainment desires. Users can also create their own. It does not rate or review any business. It simply matches users with businesses that are most likely to result in better experiences for both the business and customer.
  • Why should a restaurant care about The Jolly App?
    Think about this: We’ve all heard that happiness is based on our positive perceptions, environment, and experiences. Disneyland is called the happiest place on earth for a reason. It’s all very deliberate on Disney’s part – the sounds, sights, flavors, smells, laughter, energy, feelings, organization, staff and much more. They’ve mastered positive guest experiences by understanding the human senses, behaviors, and responses to simulation. Wouldn’t you like to have more of that type of success? Here are some of things that happen when you deliberately focus on creating positive experiences utilizing what we’ve built into The Jolly App - a massive amount of user search data - simplified, categorized and prioritized - that will help you better understand what people are looking for in selectable date ranges and locations. Matched with more customers. You gain customers you didn’t have before. And, your business has a much better chance of keeping those customers, and that added revenue long-term because you offer a more positive experience. You will also be surprised to know that in many cases, small adjustments can make big differences. Knowing what people are looking for – or avoiding – gives you the power to connect with more customers. Let’s face it, people are creatures of habit. They will go to their favorite restaurant(s) over and over because they’re connected in many ways, and not with just the food. They may also be afraid to try anything else because they want to avoid bad experiences. Don’t we all? Time after time, we’ve listened to restaurant owners that have stared at a busy restaurant across the street, wishing they could do “that kind of business”. The answer is knowing what people are attracted and attached to – what pleases them overall. The Jolly App’s matching of users to restaurants gives restaurant management time to focus on the things they have more control of, such as quality of food and service. Putting more responsibility for curating better experiences in the hands of customers is a huge boost in the direction of a successful relationship between business and guests. No reviews or ratings within The Jolly App. Throughout history, people have been influenced by other people’s opinions. By using the human senses as the matching algorithm, the app lists restaurants that deliver the very things that people find to be a comfortable and pleasing atmosphere. Customers will now select your business because you tailor it to what people are looking for rather than trying to respond to reviews – to make unhappy people happy. How about matching with people that are far more likely to have a positive experience in the first place? Bad news may travel fast, but the focus should be on good experiences, those that linger long after the visit, and create return business. Additionally, advertising on review sites may seem like a good idea, but people are still being influenced by those overwhelming and potentially unscrupulous reviews. Advertising on these sites can be hit or miss. Matching within The Jolly App is highly focused connections with people that are more likely to visit your restaurant and connect with your brand. No wasted advertising money and unpredictable results. Bottom line: The Jolly App encourages a positive relationship between the customer and the business, in place of the adversarial one created by review sites. Analytics change the focus from reaction mode to meaningful data and measurable results. The Jolly App analytics help management determine exactly what people are looking for and/or why they may not be coming to the restaurant - in order of importance. Small changes in sensory attributes can often move a restaurant up in the listing categories. The Jolly App's powerful analytics present facts based on what’s currently attracting customers, and what features may be a waste of time or money. Our primary goal on the restaurant business side is to help them fine tune the overall customer experience to increase revenue, brand attachment, return business and to have fun running a more successful restaurant. Suggesting amenities that create tangible results. Taking the lead in restaurant/customer engagement, and because of our own restaurant business ownership, we know that little things can make big differences when customers reflect on an experience they had at a business. We’ve built-in an amenity “watch-dog” that monitors user searches, suggestions, and other information to inform restaurant management of often subtle things that create customer loyalty and positive feedback. Things such as reading glasses, phone chargers and much more resonate with customers long after they leave but pop-up as positive thoughts again when they are out and about looking for another good experience. The Jolly App reminds them about these subtleties and provides listings that meet these often-overlooked little magnets for new business.
  • Why should I care about having full access to the detailed analytics generated from all customer searches within The Jolly App?
    Claiming and listing your restaurant, and access to the detailed analytics is FREE. Really, it's FREE. There are no hidden charges. So let’s be honest, determining why a restaurant may be underperforming and not reaching its full potential can be a very difficult, long and painful process. Even if a restaurant is doing great now, we all know that customer preferences change, sometimes very quickly. What might be a great honeymoon with customers now can quickly turn to divorce or be a slow downward spin without reliable information on why. The restaurant business is a constant process of adjustments, sometimes very small. The Jolly App analytics provides management with real and reliable data to help increase exposure and improve the overall restaurant experience, customer connections and satisfaction. It will help you better understand customer trends by offering valuable insights and will keep customers coming back for more great experiences because of changes that were suggested in The Jolly App. Ask yourself: Why would you completely remodel, replace all your staff or make other major changes when just a few things such as your music being too loud or the fact that you forced people to use QR code menus might have pushed customers away? There are many other small reasons that your customers know that you may not.
  • How can I be sure that The Jolly App data analytics in my dashboard on what customers are looking for is real, valid, and useful to me for fine tuning my restaurant experience?
    The Jolly App records hard numbers about what unique users search for within any context of the human dining experience—a romantic night out with a partner, a family gathering, a friend’s night out, etc. This data made up of all users’ individual choices manifests as a customizable template, or what we call the sample experience. The sample experiences in the mobile app are our quantified mean/average of the human qualities that people look for in each dining scenario. Users can adjust the templates however they want, and it only refines the sample experiences even more for new users to get started with.
  • How many positive experiences does it take to make up for a bad one?
    Twelve, according to Ruby Newell-Legner's "Understanding Customers", the de facto benchmark research that helped business owners better understand the importance of good customer service. So, if it takes that many, why not put more power in the hands of the customer to create more positive results every time. The Jolly App does just that by suggesting restaurants that would best suit their underlying sensory needs to produce more positive satisfaction. Our app can reduce the possibility of bad experiences by matching more elements of your business. It suggests what works and what doesn’t.
  • Can a restaurant be taken down from The Jolly App for falsifying or abusing the experience matching system?
    Yes! The Jolly App is based on trust and verification. It has an intelligent checks and balances system in place that monitors private input from its mobile app users for abuse of the system. If our monitoring system gets consistent private complaints from mobile app users about inaccuracies with a specific restaurant, a warning and removal system is in place to ensure reliability and integrity of the system for its users and businesses. The business is notified through a private messaging system and given an opportunity to correct mistakes. Mobile app users need to be able to trust and rely on the system to create the best experiences possible. Every business needs to know that competitors are playing fair, and abuse will not be tolerated.
  • How do restaurants get included in The Jolly App and connected to new customers?
    It is FREE to claim and list a restaurant on The Jolly App. The process involves searching the name and completing a simple and secure verification process. Once claimed, restaurant management merely needs to verify the information we have on record, complete their restaurant's profile, and upload a PDF copy of a menu. We’ll convert the PDF to actual searchable menu items automatically. And, we do NOT sell any data or information to other third parties!
  • So, what are the most important things customers seek when they go out to eat?
    Let’s face it, no app, review site or Point of Sale system can help all restaurants be successful. The restaurant business is tough and requires that owners and managers be good in several areas. The three main areas are food, service and experience. We want to suggest that you take a look at the book: How to Thrive in the Restaurant Business on Amazon Books. There are others there as well, including: Setting the Table by Danny Meyer. These books are comprehensive and filled with facts and suggestions on how to create better businesses practices and more positive customer experiences. Restaurant owners need to create a variety of delicious food consistently and keep staff focused on providing friendly and efficient service. Guests want to feel respected, not like a number rushed out the door to maximize profits. The opportunity to deliver an outstanding human experience starts when customers walk in the door and begins to interact with your hosts and servers. And the more you create positive experiences, the more customers are attached to your brand, which equals return business. Let’s assume you have great food and service. Now the hard truth: If you don’t, you need to revisit why you’re in the restaurant business. Are you discouraged by bad reviews? Review sites have put tension between customers and restaurant staff. However, if you knew that more customers coming through the door had been matched with your restaurant beforehand, the curated experience, it would give you more time to focus on the best food and service, and the original reasons you got into the business – positive connections, a successful restaurant and having more fun at it.
  • Does The Jolly App convert my menu PDF file to keywords so customers find us when searching for specific menu items we offer?
    YES! During your restaurant onboarding process, you can upload your PDF formatted menu and we will convert it to digital form, reading the menu items and creating keywords for each item. If your menu has Spaghetti Carbonara on it and a customer searches for that menu item, your restaurant is a better match. This function, along with all the other matching features and benefits to businesses make The Jolly App a better, more complete and cost effective restaurant search engine and analytics solution than any other single platform.
our story

Who's Jolly

The Jolly App was created in Bend Oregon by restaurant people and software developers who understand the restaurant business. That it is more than just food that creates an outstanding experience. It’s total human sensory satisfaction. One of our founders is an experienced data and software engineer with a driving desire to build better, more useful user solutions. Alongside the other founder, a successful restaurant owner and author, they set out to develop a whole new way of connecting customers with restaurants in a mutually beneficial way, totally different from the current review-based search engines.

We know the restaurant business intimately, that the primary goals of a restaurant owner is to be profitable, put more guests in more seats, create positive memories for everyone and ensure more return customers. We also know restaurant seekers want a great experience, whether a quick lunch or special gathering and without having to wade through mountains of questionable reviews to find a gem that meets all their needs and creates a more positive experience that resonates and lingers long after their visit.

Founded in 2019, The Jolly App was developed over 4 years. We quietly gathered research data, talked with sociologists, trade organizations, restaurant owners, customers, analyzed review sites, user trends and much more. What many of us already know is that our human senses, even the simplest of things make up a resulting experience. It’s our perception of the things we experience and often at lightning speed. Give people the power to personalize a more positive experience and it’s like what Walt Disney called The Magic Kingdom.

The Jolly App is the result of thousands of hours of research and software engineering to create a powerful yet simple to use experience curator that matches what a business offers and the customer desires.

With the power given to you in The Jolly App, we hope you enjoy more of your restaurant experiences and the restaurant enjoys more of your positive vibes.


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Location - Bend, Oregon

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Copyright © 2023 The Jolly App, LLC - All rights reserved. The Jolly App logo is a proprietary trademark of The Jolly App, LLC

* Yelp is a trademark of Yelp, Inc. Disney is a trademark of The Walt Disney Company. Google is a trademark of Alphabet, Inc and Google, LLC

All other third-party trademarks are property of their respective owners. Specifications, pricing and offers are subject to change without notice.

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